Peter Sloane Award

Peter Sloane Award

Peter Sloane is the first economist in Europe to publish on the economics of team sports. The sports economics literature in the 1960s developed almost exclusively in the United States, under the assumption that professional teams are profit maximizers. Peter Sloane published a classic contribution in 1971, where he extended these models to the case where winning is an explicit objective of a team. His analytical approach in which football teams maximize playing success subject to minimum losses has had continued support in the literature.

Since 2020, the ESEA offers the Peter Sloane award to a member of the sports economics community. The award consists of a certificate and is presented biannually. It is given based on the following criteria:

  • Research contribution to European sports economics,
  • Development of young scholars in sports economics,
  • Service to the development of the European sports economics community.

The 2022 Peter Sloane Award will be presented to Brad Humphreys at the ESEA conference dinner in Helsinki, 25th August 2022.


Award Winner 2022 Brad Humphreys (West Virginia University)


Award Winner 2020 – Stefan Kesenne (University of Antwerp)

A tribute to Stefan Késenne by Jaume Garcia and Placido Rodriguez can be found here.